Hayaniv's Blog

November 19, 2009

swine deppression?

Filed under: THOUGHTS — hayaniv @ 09:43

The swine flu had another headline in the newspapers yesterday: “A 31 years old male, with no previous health problems has died from swine flu”

My 1st thought after that was, “What a shame it wasn’t me”.

 I think it’s still the only thought I have about it.

November 4, 2009

Israel has Saved Europe again

Filed under: israel,middle east,news,politics — hayaniv @ 11:28
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Breaking New at –  BBC – other news networks such as Aljazeera and CNN do not cover Israeli success stories.


I.D.F’s navy warriors has seized a ship from Iran who delivers long-range missiles to Syria for distribution to the Islamic forces in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon.

This is not the first time that the Israeli army captures an Iranian ship with more than 5,000 tons of long-range (over 1,500 km) missiles [in 2002 the ship Karin-A]. Those missiles, when launched from southern Turkey/northern Syria, a vast area where the Islamic Jihad warriors have strong bases against the Turkish army, could easily get to major European cities such as Athens, Bucharest, Burgas and Sofia. Some of the Iranian long-range missiles could even cover vast areas of Italy.

The Policy of negotiating with Iran in an effort to please them so they won’t start 3rd world war is the leading political agenda today. This agenda had succeeded so many times before including it’s phenomenal success in preventing Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia and Poland, it has also stopped Stalin from occupying Poland, Hungary and Romania. It has even recently stopped Putin from declaring war on Georgia.

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